Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Cycle - 1 hours - 11/30/2011
Type: Cycle
Date: 11/30/2011
Time: 13:41:50
Total Time: 1:01:57.00
Calories: 1450
Distance: 16.58 miles
Average Speed: 16.06 mph
Eighteen Nutrition Myths: How Many Do You Still Believe?
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Thursday, 24 November 2011
Buakaw Por Pramuk Training
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Wednesday, 23 November 2011
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Get Back To Basics And Train Naked is a post from: Hive Health Media. Submit your guest blog post today!
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Cell dysfunction linked to obesity and metabolic disorders
Diets You Can Trust To Losing Weight
Older men with higher testosterone levels lose less muscle mass as they age
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California making headway in battle against childhood obesity but successes are uneven
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How to Live a Healthier Lifestyle Now! is a post from: Hive Health Media. Submit your guest blog post today!
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Saturday, 19 November 2011
Spinal cord injuries associated with increased risk of heart disease, study finds
Think 'It's Not Me, It's You,' When Dealing With Angry Person
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Test could detect breast cancers earlier in young, high-risk African-American women
Commercial weight loss programs more effective than NHS-based services, UK study finds
Green tea helps mice keep off extra pounds
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The link between nutrition and cardiovascular disease is a post from: Hive Health Media. Submit your guest blog post today!
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Tuesday, 15 November 2011
How to Build Gymnastics Rings Tutorial
Total Cost: 20-25 $US (with straps)
- take 2x 23.5" PVC pieces
- fill with sand
- bake in an oven for 10 minutes at around 170-180� Celsius (350�F)
- bend it around a can and let it cool
Female Pheromones Do They Work
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50 Burpees in 50 Days? Am I Crazy?
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After Brain Injury, Oxygen Monitoring Vital, Study Finds
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Cardiac rehabilitation improves heart rate recovery, boosts survival, study suggests
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Commercial weight loss programs more effective than NHS-based services, UK study finds
Thursday, 10 November 2011
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Workout Fail
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Workout Fail
Lu Xiaojun 110kg Muscle Snatch
He finishes this off, I have the whole sequence. He missed his 1st attempt.
There is literally every exercise known to mankind done in this training hall, some are quite strange IMO considering the proximity to the competition. I guess if it's a regular part of your training its OK.(via)
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Hypoglycemia Prevention Program
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Obesity in children: Researching the body?s natural weight-control system
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New data tests the exercise 'talk test'
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Saturday, 5 November 2011
Older men with higher testosterone levels lose less muscle mass as they age
No Wheat, No Worries
Eliminating wheat from my diet is one of the best things I've ever done regarding my health. To find out more, click here.
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Friday, 4 November 2011
The Top 13 NON-DAIRY Calcium Rich Foods
The Top 13 NON-DAIRY Calcium Rich Foods is a post from: Health and Fitness articles
The Top 13 NON-DAIRY Calcium Rich Foods is a post from: Health and Fitness articles For decades, the milk industry has been telling us that we need to drink our milk lest our bones become osteoporotic and shatter like fine crystal. Luckily for them, the advertising campaigns have been wildly successful. Unfortunately for us, the [...]Related posts:5 Tips For a Good Night?s Sleep
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Steve Gephart.
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Post thoughts to comments.
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
My New Non-Fat Love
I've been eating Greek yogurt for some time and prided myself on not needing added sweeteners. But I tried this last week and I LOVE IT! The fruit is separate from the yogurt so I have total control over how much I use. I just dip my spoon half way in the fruit and then get a spoonful of yogurt. So delish! My absolute faves are mango-guanabana and strawberry-goji. YUM!! Try it and let me know what you think!
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Get Proactiv With Your Diet
If you want to lose fat quickly you have to be Proactiv, The Fat Release System�Safe HCG Diet Plan �is your solution. The Fat Release System�is the only HCG Diet protocol that allows you to eat dark chocolate and still lose weight. This protocol is designed to take advantage . . . → Read More: Get Proactiv With Your Diet
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
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