Saturday, 31 December 2011
Read This Before You Join A Gym, Buy A Treadmill Or Start A Diet
Dairy foods may improve bone health during diet and exercise in overweight premenopausal women
Part 2: Our Very Boyle Christmas
Friday, 30 December 2011
Former football players prone to late-life health problems, study finds
How A Golf Exercise Program Can Improve Your Game
Body Transformation: Eddie Conquered Couples' Boot Camp
Thursday, 29 December 2011
New Year!! New You!!!
Which Exercise Type Fits Your Body Best?
Festive weight gains take 3 months to lose
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
Commercial weight loss programs more effective than NHS-based services, UK study finds
How Soulcalibur Saved My Life
Health benefits of spring onions
Tuesday, 27 December 2011
Ripped Abs Reviews ? Top Two Plans With Ab Exercises For Women
Get the Butt You?ve Always Wanted with David Rich Fitness
Why narcoleptics get fat
Monday, 26 December 2011
Study Shows How Busy Reindeer Keep Their Cool
SATURDAY, Dec. 24 (HealthDay News) -- Reindeer have lots to do this time of year -- from playing their reindeer games to dragging heavy sleighs -- but despite all their frenzied activity they manage to keep cool under luxurious winter coats without getting dangerously overheated, researchers have found.
Pushing the limits of performance
Sunday, 25 December 2011
Targeting leg fatigue in heart failure
Frequently used weight-loss method is light on evidence
How the Bears Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Primal Lifestyle
Saturday, 24 December 2011
Many VA Patients Would Share Personal Health Records, Study Finds
FRIDAY, Dec. 23 (HealthDay News) -- A new study says many patients are willing to share their personal health records with others, a finding that surprised the researchers.
Movement for Mood: Exercise as a Treatment for Depression
Movement for Mood: Exercise as a Treatment for Depression is a post from Hive Health Media, a Health News Blog. Submit your guest blog post today!
Movement for Mood: Exercise as a Treatment for Depression is a post from Hive Health Media, a Health News Blog.More…Significant weight gain in postmenopausal women increases risk for endometrial cancer, research suggests
Friday, 23 December 2011
How is Diabetes Caused ? | What Causes Diabetes ?
The causes of diabetes mellitus depends on whether you are referring to type 1 or type 2 diabetes.
New data tests the exercise 'talk test'
Thursday, 22 December 2011
Short walk cuts chocolate consumption in half
Another clue to how obesity works
Glycemic Index Diet | Glycemic Index Chart
may be beneficial for some people because it simply helps them to select healthier foods...
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
3 Minute Ab Workout
Breastfeeding cuts kids? risk of developing lifestyle diseases later in life
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
24,000 Diabetes Related Deaths Could Be Prevented Yearly in UK
24,000 Diabetes Related Deaths Could Be Prevented Yearly in UK is a post from Hive Health Media, a Health News Blog. Submit your guest blog post today!
24,000 Diabetes Related Deaths Could Be Prevented Yearly in UK is a post from Hive Health Media, a Health NewsMore…How to Reduce the Risk of Back Injuries During Exercise
Fitness ? Strength Balance Agility Workout
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BUGS BEST OF: JULY 2009 >>>Click here to sign up to the email newsletterStay stacked up on your bodybuilding resources (Supplements/Fitness equipment/Books)Sunday, 18 December 2011
Preventing falls in people with Parkinson's disease
Finaflex Ripped Reviews
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Saturday, 17 December 2011
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Friday, 16 December 2011
Lab Notes: HPV Test Best for Cervical Cancer Detection; Link Between Stillbirths and Outside Temps
Lab Notes: HPV Test Best for Cervical Cancer Detection; Link Between Stillbirths and Outside Temps is a post from: CalorieLab - Health News & Information Blog
Young Adults Drop Exercise With Move To College Or University
Rise in temperature can lead to stillbirths
Thursday, 15 December 2011
Researchers recommend exercise for breast cancer survivors, lymphedema patients
Preventing falls in people with Parkinson's disease
Wednesday 111214
Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5 reps
Post loads to comments.
Compare to 100610.
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Wednesday, 14 December 2011
8 Simple Steps to Lose Weight
If You Don?t Track Your Diet? You Are Wasting Your Time
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
Researchers develop eButton, an easier way to monitor food intake, exercise, and lifestyle
Tis the Season for STRESS
Green tea helps mice keep off extra pounds
Monday, 12 December 2011
Iron Evolution: Phase 7
Can peer mentors help teens lose weight? New strategies for combating teen obesity
Adult Sickle Cell Drug May Benefit Kids, Too
SUNDAY, Dec. 11 (HealthDay News) -- A drug called hydroxyurea that's approved for use in adults with severe sickle cell anemia can also help young children with the disease, new research suggests.
Sunday, 11 December 2011
Fit Ass Exercise Challenge
Saving the day: Performing chest compressions correctly
Ronnie Coleman 1998 vs 2007 Training Videos
Compare that to the Ronnie Coleman Relentless 2007 Video:
(embedding may be slow - give it some time to load)
Saturday, 10 December 2011
Obese Patients May Benefit the Most From Surgery for Irregular Heartbeat
FRIDAY, Dec. 9 (HealthDay News) -- Overweight or obese individuals who undergo a procedure to treat an irregular heartbeat known as atrial fibrillation may see greater improvements in their quality of life after the treatment than their thinner counterparts.
Beginner Strength Training Program for Women: Tricep Extensions
Preventing falls in people with Parkinson's disease
Friday, 9 December 2011
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Use of ZEN bust-enhancing supplements may increase breast cancer risk
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Thursday, 8 December 2011
Test could detect breast cancers earlier in young, high-risk African-American women
Chew gum, lose weight? Hormone that helps people feel 'full' after eating can be delivered into bloodstream orally
Wednesday, 7 December 2011
Halo effect: Family members of gastric-bypass patients also lose weight, study finds
UCLA Researchers Investigate Offerings of Healthy Foods in Children Hospitals
UCLA Researchers Investigate Offerings of Healthy Foods in Children Hospitals is a post from: Hive Health Media. Submit your guest blog post today!
UCLA Researchers Investigate Offerings of Healthy Foods in Children Hospitals is a post from: Hive Health Media. Submit your guestMore…Tuesday, 6 December 2011
iWorkout December 1, 2011 ? Total Body Kettlebell Workout With Sprints
Zero Friction Fat Loss Review ? Simplest Way To Lose Fat from Thighs and Hips
Female Pheromones Do They Work
Not all guys had been born blessed with the capability to attract women with their appears or personality so Female Pheromones Do They Work. Although some men take pleasure in the unique focus from females the moment they stepped into a area, there are those . . . → Read More: Female Pheromones Do They Work
Monday, 5 December 2011
Frequently used weight-loss method is light on evidence
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Best Body Workout ? 2011 ? Week 45 ? Day 3 is a post from: Health and Fitness articles
Best Body Workout ? 2011 ? Week 45 ? Day 3 is a post from: Health and Fitness articles WeekMore…Out of the Box Sampler Box Review & Giveaway
Sunday, 4 December 2011
Fit Over 40.
Do Not Get Discouraged with Weight Loss Challenges
Read More
Researchers recommend exercise for breast cancer survivors, lymphedema patients
Saturday, 3 December 2011
Get Proactiv With Your Diet
If you want to lose fat quickly you have to be Proactiv, The Fat Release System�Safe HCG Diet Plan �is your solution. The Fat Release System�is the only HCG Diet protocol that allows you to eat dark chocolate and still lose weight. This protocol is designed to take advantage . . . → Read More: Get Proactiv With Your Diet
The fat-burning zone: News on burning fat
Female Pheromones Do They Work
Not all guys had been born blessed with the capability to attract women with their appears or personality so Female Pheromones Do They Work. Although some men take pleasure in the unique focus from females the moment they stepped into a area, there are those . . . → Read More: Female Pheromones Do They Work
Friday, 2 December 2011
Older men with higher testosterone levels lose less muscle mass as they age
Shoulder Mobility with Sticks and Pipes
You can get some pretty good stretches using these things.
Subscribe to his channel and give him a thumbs up.
Turket Trots Post 14% Growth...So Do Waist Sizes
I have now run the Santa Barbara Thanksgiving 4-Miler for five years in row, doing my best to squeeze in under 24 minutes (and 1000 burned calories) and win a bottle of Martinelli's Sparkling Cider for the kids to drink at the family feast. This race reflects the growth of Turkey Trots, climbing from 300 runners in 2007 to over 700 this year, while retaining it's small town charm. I would like to believe I run it for health reasons, but honestly, I know the motivation is to feel less guilty about the second and third helpings of home cooking that I am so fortunate to indulge in each year.
Once I had done the race a few years in a row, however, my motivation changed. I see the same faces at this race each sunny Thanksgiving morning, and enjoy catching up with them and watching their kids grow. I find myself inspired by the consistency of 76-year-old ultrarunner Bill Dodson, who somehow manages to do this race with his family and still make it to the Quad Dipsea a few days later (and then the CIM marathon the next week, naturally). Or the evolution of the Allison family, whose daughters Kate and Sammie have grown up from spectators (who scarf the post-race donuts) to runners (who scarf the post-race donuts), and soon enough will leave me and their parents in the dust as their youthful jaunts become graceful strides. Brian Wyatt was the proud father of 5-year-old Cassidy taking on his first race, and 12-year-old Chaia who easily made an age group podium finish and still had enough juice to run back a few miles and join the family. This year also saw the subtle transformation of my friend Kik Armstrong, run/walking this year with that confident glow of humility only seen on those who just completed their first 50-miler.
Consistency, change, transformation...all captured in the time-lapse memory of an annual community event. It's a beautiful thing, really. No wonder they are becoming so popular!
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(700 runners take over the streets of Goleta, CA) |
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(Sammie Allison, a spectator no more, with Dad trying to keep up) |
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(Moms Kik Armstrong and Jamie Allison enjoy watching the kids run ahead) |
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(Power assisted running) |
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(Sure, Honey, I'll watch the kids and dog while you cook...and still get in a workout!) |
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(Bill Dodson and I stand with the other age group winners) |
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(Sammie is all about the powdered that really the same kid that hung onto Mom in 2007?) |
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(Ultrarunner Brian Wyatt poses with the newest runner in the family, Cassidy, who crushed his first 4-miler) |
Thursday, 1 December 2011
Lift weights, eat mustard, build muscles?
Weight Loss: Myths And Explanations
Cell dysfunction linked to obesity and metabolic disorders
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Cycle - 1 hours - 11/30/2011
Type: Cycle
Date: 11/30/2011
Time: 13:41:50
Total Time: 1:01:57.00
Calories: 1450
Distance: 16.58 miles
Average Speed: 16.06 mph
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Your Best Body Workout ? 2011 ? Week 44 ? Day 3 is a post from: Health and Fitness articles
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Thursday, 24 November 2011
Buakaw Por Pramuk Training
This guy's kicks will chop you into halves. Amazing display of power.

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Wednesday, 23 November 2011
Chew gum, lose weight? Hormone that helps people feel 'full' after eating can be delivered into bloodstream orally
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Tuesday, 22 November 2011
Get Back To Basics And Train Naked
Get Back To Basics And Train Naked is a post from: Hive Health Media. Submit your guest blog post today!
Get Back To Basics And Train Naked is a post from: Hive Health Media. Submit your guest blog post today!More…Targeting leg fatigue in heart failure
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Lab Notes: Carrying Heavy Bags Affects Psyche; STDs Still a Big National Problem is a post from: CalorieLab - Health News & Information Blog
Monday, 21 November 2011
Cell dysfunction linked to obesity and metabolic disorders
Diets You Can Trust To Losing Weight
Older men with higher testosterone levels lose less muscle mass as they age
Sunday, 20 November 2011
California making headway in battle against childhood obesity but successes are uneven
How to Live a Healthier Lifestyle Now!
How to Live a Healthier Lifestyle Now! is a post from: Hive Health Media. Submit your guest blog post today!
How to Live a Healthier Lifestyle Now! is a post from: Hive Health Media. Submit your guest blog post today!More…Pushing the limits of performance
Saturday, 19 November 2011
Spinal cord injuries associated with increased risk of heart disease, study finds
Think 'It's Not Me, It's You,' When Dealing With Angry Person
SATURDAY, Nov. 19 (HealthDay News) -- Telling yourself that an angry person is just having a bad day and that it's not about you can help take the sting out of their ire, a new study suggests.
There is a Sick Elephant in the United Kingdom?s NHS Room
There is a Sick Elephant in the United Kingdom’s NHS Room is a post from: Hive Health Media. Submit your guest blog post today!
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Memory fitness program improves memory abilities of oldest adults
Test could detect breast cancers earlier in young, high-risk African-American women
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Test could detect breast cancers earlier in young, high-risk African-American women
Commercial weight loss programs more effective than NHS-based services, UK study finds
Green tea helps mice keep off extra pounds
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Top Ten Gifts For The Woman Who Likes To Lift Big
The link between nutrition and cardiovascular disease
The link between nutrition and cardiovascular disease is a post from: Hive Health Media. Submit your guest blog post today!
The link between nutrition and cardiovascular disease is a post from: Hive Health Media. Submit your guest blog post today!More…How I handle stress
Yesterday was an exceptionally stressful day. Usually I'd comfort myself with an ice cold Coors Light. Instead, I did a workout and treated myself to something special.