Wednesday, 7 March 2012
With extra gene, mice are footloose and cancer free
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Monday 120305
Rest Day
CrossFit Level 1 Certificate Courses: 3rd Infantry Division, Ft Stewart, GA, Rogue Fitness, CrossFit Reykjavik, CrossFit New England, CrossFit The Royal Danish Lifeguards, CrossFit Memphis, CrossFit X Factor.
CrossFit Coach's Prep Course: CrossFit Roots.
CrossFit Kids Course: Rainier CrossFit.
"Gary Taubes: Questions From the Floor," free CrossFit Journal video, preview - [wmv] [mov]
Dispatch 3 from Kenya [pdf]
Welcome to Dzivani - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
Dmitri Shostakovich, Sonata for Cello and Piano in D minor, Op. 40 Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.
Robert W. Service - Each Day A Life.
"Why the World Needs America" by Robert Kagan, The Wall Street Journal.
Post thoughts to comments.
Don?t be a band wagon trainer be a better trainer
Glasses at Fingertips!
Monday, 5 March 2012
California making headway in battle against childhood obesity but successes are uneven
Glasses at Fingertips!
Arnold Strongman Classic 2012 - Timber Carry
Mikhail Koklyaev - 17 ft 3 inches
Hafthor Bjornsson - 22 ft 10 inches
Terry Hollands - 25 ft 1 inch
Zydrunas Savickas - 28 ft 6 inches
Mike Burke - 16.25 seconds
Brian Shaw - 14.06 seconds
Travis Ortmayer - 9.38 seconds
Laurence Shahlaei - 7.91 seconds
Derek Poundstone - 7.56 seconds
Mike Jenkins - 7.42 seconds
Sunday, 4 March 2012
Sexual problems ?could be behind migraines and headaches?
Obesity and pain linked, study of one million Americans shows
Saturday, 3 March 2012
Pure Sweat Online Basketball Training Program
Insanity ?The Committed? Part 1
Scientists discover likely new trigger for epidemic of metabolic syndrome
Friday, 2 March 2012
Fitness ? 550 Rep Muscle Murder Workout
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Thursday, 1 March 2012
Researchers recommend exercise for breast cancer survivors, lymphedema patients
Introducing ... Totally Cool People Born in 1962
More years to life and life to years through increased motivation for an active life
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
The Slow Carb Rule I Don?t Agree With
Picture: Excuses ? let?s hear yours again
A few quick Internet searches led me to the website of Josh Sundquist, a U.S. Paralympic skier, author and motivational speaker who lost his left leg to cancer when he was a child.
If you ever needed a poke in the back to get you to [...]
Physical Activity Levels In Children Not Altered By Active Video Games
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
It?s Over!
It’s Over! >>>Click here to sign up to the email newsletter<<< >>>Stay stacked up on your bodybuilding resources (Supplements/Fitness equipment/Books)<<<
It’s Over! >>>Click here to sign up to the email newsletterStay stacked up on your bodybuilding resources (Supplements/Fitness equipment/Books)Dairy foods may improve bone health during diet and exercise in overweight premenopausal women
The fat-burning zone: News on burning fat
Monday, 27 February 2012
Running On The Moon
Sunday 120226
Rest Day
Jason Camara's home gym, San Leandro, CA.
"CrossFit Movement and Mobility Trainer Course: Dip Mechanics" with Kelly Starrett, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]
Dispatch 2 from Kenya [pdf]
Ludwig van Beethoven - Symphony No.8.
John Wilmot - All My Past Life...
"Red Jacket Defends Native American Religion, 1805".
Post thoughts to comments.
Sunday, 26 February 2012
Hybrid Strength CrossFit Gymnastics Oly Program
Read Gant Grimes ?Hybrid Programming? thread if your are interested in combining gymnastics with strength and Olympic weightlifting training.
The order of exercises is vital. You want speed, technique, and accuracy. You also want full use of your hips:
Warm-up >>> Gymnastics/Progressions >>> Oly Lifts/DE >>> Slow lifts/ME >>> Short strength based metcon (<10 min) >>> Posterior-Chain Movement
Example Schedules:
Example #1
Monday: handstand work
C&J 5x2/7x1
squat 3x5
DL/RDL 1x5/1x12
reverse hypers or GH raises would be nice
overhead situps
Tuesday: front leverpower snatch 5x2/7x1
bench 3x5
moderate metcon (3-5 mins.)
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: L-sitspress 3x5
power snatch/power clean
front squats 3x3
heavy metcon
Friday: Off
Saturday: (20 minute workout)
KB work--long cycle C&J for 4-6 mins.
light to moderate metcon (7-20 mins.)
Sunday: Off
Example #2:
Monday: Handstand Training
DB Clean and Jerk
Back Squat
Tuesday: OHS
Bench Press
Wednesday: Handstand Training
Front Squat
Incline DB Press
Weighted Pulls
Thursday: Off
Friday: Snatch (w/DB)
Back Squat
Standing Press or Weighted Dips
Saturday: Muscle-Up Training
Intervals (maybe)
Sunday: Off
Example #3:
Monday: Handstand Practice
1. Clean and Jerk (5 x 3)
2. Back Squat (3 x 5)
3. WOD
Tuesday: Front Lever Practice
1. Power Clean (5 x 3)
2. Bench Press (3 x 5)
3. WOD
Wednesday: Handstand Practice
1. Clean and Jerk (5 x 3)
2. Front Squat (3 x 5)
3. Deadlift (1 x 5)
3. Weighted Pull-ups (3 x 5)
Thursday: Off
Friday: Front Lever Practice
1. Dumbbell Snatch (5 x 3 Left and Right Arm)
2. Back Squat (3 x 5)
3. Press (3 x 5)
4. WOD
Saturday: WOD (Will Include Deads in this Metcon)
Weighted Pull-ups (3 x 5)
Sunday: OFF
5 Key Elements You Need To Burn Fat
A Bodybuilding Diet Plan Suited to Your Body Type
Saturday, 25 February 2012
Strength Training - 0.5 hours - 02/25/2012
Type: Strength Training
Date: 02/25/2012
Time: 13:00:00
Total Time: 00:30:00.00
Calories: 217
Can anyone confirm?
[UPDATE: Confirmed. The website's down too and official word is that the exhibit is being retooled. Kudos to Disney for addressing this so quickly. As I mentioned to the press, I doubt it was their intention to vilify children who struggle with weight and am confident they'll do better with the exhibit the second time around]
If true - thanks to everyone for spreading the word!
Is Being Vegetarian Healthy?
Friday, 24 February 2012
New non-invasive fat removal technologies offer alternative to liposuction for removing stubborn fat
Boost for health? Researchers isolate protein linking exercise to health benefits
Nutrition and Politics
© 2008 Thanks for subscribing to my feed. Please visit my blog for more great content.
My Other Websites: Are Your Vitamins Safe? Whole Food Nation Whole Food Nation Affiliate Link
Thursday, 23 February 2012
Run - 0.6 hours - 02/23/2012
45 min run
6×20 sec relaxed sprint"
Type: Run
Date: 02/23/2012
Time: 06:49:10
Total Time: 00:35:00.00
Calories: 597
Distance: 4 miles
Average Pace: 8:44.78/mile
Layered Spicy Black Bean and Cheddar Dip
Idaho Champion Series Snowman Invitational Write Up
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
Manual wheelchair use, exercise and calorie burning examined
The fat-burning zone: News on burning fat
Yoga and stretching exercises beneficial for chronic low back pain, study finds
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
Scientists identify an innate function of vitamin E
Physical fitness trumps body weight in reducing death risks, study finds
Monday, 20 February 2012
Personal Trainer Of The Month: LeaAnn Scelfo!
Eliminating Soft Drinks from Diet Can Reduce Health Risks
The jury seems to be in on drinking soda. Two new studies published in the past week highlighted concerns withMore…
Eliminating Soft Drinks from Diet Can Reduce Health Risks is a post from Hive Health Media, a Health News Blog. Submit your guest blog post today!
BodyRock.Tv for Haiti Relief
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Three cups of tea daily can keep heart problems and diabetes at bay
BodyRock.Tv for Haiti Relief
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Saturday, 18 February 2012
Many strategies to increase physical activity for kids lack injury prevention measures
Brightly Colored Vegetable Salad with Chermoula Dressing
11 Things
Friday, 17 February 2012
Sumo Deadlift Neutral Spine with Max Aita
Biggest issue here: keeping a more neutral spine.
- hips to low, he squatted the weight of the floor
- too big of an arch in lower back
- packing the neck locks thoracic spine
- focus on getting the hips just low enough to grab the bar
- shoulders over the bar
- knees out

12 Tips to Jumpstart Your Exercise Program
So, here are 12 Tips to get your exercise jumpstarted:
1. Clear your mind and refocus. You want to be healthier, right? Focus on this goal first. You want a lean body? Do it. If you stop now, you won't reach either goal.
2. Make sure your goals are realistic, such as keeping an active lifestyle, burning body fat (losing inches) and losing 1-2 pounds a week.
3. Start moving more during the day....all movement burns calories, so get moving already! Matter of fact, don't wait until your workout to get moving. Every burned calorie counts no matter how you get it done.
Here's some pointers to get you moving around all day:
--Walk during your breaks at work.
--Walk 20 minutes first thing in the morning or at the end of your day.
--Walk the stairs instead of riding in the elevator.
--Do exercises while watching your favorite television show.
--Do yardwork and house chores.
4.Start today with your great meal plan full of nutritious, whole foods that you like.
5. On Day 2, start a 20-minute interval cardio routine of walking, jogging or sprinting. Do this cardio 2-3 days a week.
For example, you could jog for 1 minute and walk 1 minute. Do this rotation for 20 minutes. Progress to sprint intervals when you are ready.
6. On Day 3, begin doing a 20-minute full bodyweight strength exercise workout. You need to build lean muscle in order to burn fat and speed up your metabolism. Do your bodyweight exercise routine 3 days a week.
Exercises like squats, lunges, inverted rows, pushups, pullups and dips work well.
7. Schedule a fun activity each week such as a hike, jump rope games, hopscotch, volleyball, etc. If you do something like this more than once a week, that's even better. The purpose is to stay active with enjoyable activities.
8. Dance, dance, dance.....this is great full body exercise that's fun!
9. Organize a weekly neighborhood kickball game. Everybody likes kickball and its easy and fun.
10. Start training for a charity walk or run. Many people use this tactic for motivation. You don't have to run a half marathon or marathon. It could be a 2-3 mile walk or run.
11. Try a group exercise class like spin or Zumba for fun and support.
12. Buy a medicine ball and do full-body exercises with it. Medicine ball exercises are naturally fun and demanding at the same time.
Get jumpstarted already! The FREE fat loss program below will help you.
Download your FREE 14-Day Accelerated Fat Loss Program, start burning max fat and start building your lean, hard body!
"Exercise is not my life.....exercise makes my life better!"
Check out my other great blogs:
Her Fitness Hut Blog Her Fitness Hut is featured on EmpowHER, a great health issues website for women! Her Fitness Hut has also been named in the Top 50 Personal Training Blogs by Physical Therapy Assistant Schools!
Sports Fitness Hut Blog has been recognized by Stanford University Wellsphere as the #1 Sports Fitness Blog and as one of the Best 100 Health and Nutrition Blogs for Athletes! The blog has also been named as one of the "50 Best Sports Medicine Blogs by Masters In Healthcare! It is an honor to be recognized by those in the health and academic fields! Afterall, health is number one for everybody---including athletes!
The Biggest Announcement in NF History?
Thursday, 16 February 2012
Lab Notes: Jimmy John?s Served Up Sprouts with E Coli; Diner Has Heart Attack at Heart Attack Grill
Lab Notes: Jimmy John’s Served Up Sprouts with E Coli; Diner Has Heart Attack at Heart Attack Grill is a post from: CalorieLab - Health News & Information Blog
Boost for health? Researchers isolate protein linking exercise to health benefits
Couch potato or elite athlete? A happy medium keeps colds at bay
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
Good aerobic capacity promotes learning
Mwod 175/365: Improve Your Shoulder Positioing In The Press and Rack
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Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Exercise Helps More Than Just Your Waistline
This is a guest post by Katie Brind?Amour. It is a well-known fact that exercise is good for you. It is essential for weight loss, a trim figure, and being able to fit into a smaller jean size at the department store. And yet somehow, losing weight hasn?t always been enough motivation for me to [...]
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Exercise Helps More Than Just Your Waistline
Vital Signs: Being Given Options Helps People Choose Smaller Portions, Study Finds
How Fitness Empowers You
Monday, 13 February 2012
Short walk cuts chocolate consumption in half
Tracy?s Treats
FITBLOGGER - Fitness Blog|Fitness Blog Community
Hi Fitbloggers!� My name is Tracy and I blog over at Tracy?s Treats.� I live my life fueled by healthy food and plenty of exercise, but never forget to indulge in daily treats. J� I initially began my blog to share my daily musings about cooking, fitness, and life adventures with family and close friends. [...]
One molecule for muscle growth and insulin sensitivity
Sunday, 12 February 2012
Saturday Stories: Trans fats, Mercola and the Known Universe

An access to information request from the Center for Science in the Public Interest leads to discovery that Canadian Health Minister Leona Agglukkaq personally torpedoed a plan to regulate trans fat that would have saved lives and $9 billion taxpayer dollars.
Chicago Magazine has a fascinating look at Dr. Joe Mercola.
A jaw dropping website that helps to understand the scale of our universe. Mind blowing, but takes a minute or two to load. Just wow.